Friday Five

Friday Five: Vol. 77



“Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight.” 
-Mark Victor Hansen

Week 1-52Week 53 | Week 54Week 55 | Week 56 | Week 57 | Week 58 | Week 59 | Week 60 | Week 61 | Week 62 | Week 63Week 64Week 65 | Week 66 | Week 67 | Week 68 | Week 69Week 70 | Week 71 | Week 72 | Week 73 | Week 74Week 75 | Week 76 | Week 77


TGIF. Exhausted seems to be the theme from EOW, lately. Stress leads to low energy, which quickly leads to (no gym and to) low self esteem, and then I sit in this self-created puddle of negativity, wondering how the F I got here!? I start feeling unappreciated, undervalued, and unloved and I lash out to anyone who is near me (sorry, babe).

Until that moment when I snap out of it (lookin’ at you #ThisIsMe and Keala Settle!!!!) and realize that appreciation, value, and love STARTS WITH ME. And to those who came into my life, left it, rebounded back, used me, let me use them; loved me, thought the world of me or thought I was worth nothing, ignored me, was kind of me, wrote me off, or believed in me more than I believed in myself, thank you. Thank you so much. I am here today because of it. 

I AM, HOWEVER, thrilled at the (almost) start of the 2nd annual #girlsweekend with MAH GURL! I am due for a ray of sunshine in my life and she’s coming downstate!

1. An impromptu Union Square park girls lunch, catching up on wedding planning, our s/o, and life in general. There was obviously a cookie(s) involved. Missing the three of us together a lot today.
2. FINALLY seeing Taylor Swift perform, in the flesh, with two of my most favorite people (even though she is their favorite person LOLZ).
3. A highly successful Grandma’s birthday extravaganza in Breezy over the weekend. No storm was stopping us! The best part: ending on a high note of free, amazing, delicious, cheesy, gooey, pizza.
4. Mid-week drink with a few badass women to plan our fall event. More info (and cheese boards) to come.
5. An email, requesting my presence to help run a charity gala later this year and reaffirming the power of big dreams AND TAKING ACTION TOWARDS THEM. I don’t care what you say – hard work, heart, and saying hell to the haters is rewarded, always.  (AND GUYS, I GET TO WEAR A HEADSET!!!!!!!!)

…and did I mention WE’RE SEEING DEAR EVAN HANSEN!?!!!??!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
